In NLP training, there are no government or legal affiliations or any certification standard. There is also no official course content, no official duration of training or levels of competency. This applies not only in the UK but elsewhere in the world. There are however a number of organisations and bodies that have set certain standards for certification in order to reflect how NLP training should be conducted. These organisations will sometimes differ in opinion and each of these organisations has a different judgement although none are mandatory to join in order to achieve NLP training.
At NLP World we strive to get you the best, fully accredited certifications so that your certificate holds up internationally. We have made sure that the certification is valid in South Africa, the UK and The United States, so you are assured of the recognised qualifications that you want. With that in mind, we are accredited via AIP (USA), ANLP (UK based but worldwide), HPCSA and CPD (SA and worldwide), Comensa (SA) and The Coaching Society (worldwide).
ANLP is an independent organisation that offers certification to all NLP trainers and is not affiliated with any specific training school. Any trainer can choose to go through a peer reviewed accreditation process that ANLP provides by submitting their training manuals as well as all other information relating to their course and promotion to the ANLP Accreditation Panel for review.
Applicants for an ANLP certification are required to demonstrate an understanding of the patterns, models and techniques in their application of NLP. The review panel conducts thorough assessment and evaluation.
The ANLP accreditation process is designed for trainers or training organisations who require ANLP international certification and is based on, trainee support, syllabus used method of delivery, during and after training follow up strategies and procedures, guarantees and conflict resolution strategies, ethics, promotional materials used as well as the transfer of skills to the trainee among other aspects of NLP training.
It therefore goes without saying that in order for a trainer to be considered for ANLP accreditation they need to submit their core syllabus, training manual and promotional materials that they use in addition to any other requirements that the ANLP impose in order to carry out a complete assessment. Some of the other materials that the review panel will require include the requirement that the applicant produce at least 5 testimonials from clients trained within the last 6 months.
Once the review panel has assessed all of the information presented and the applicant is successful, the trainer becomes a fully ANLP accredited or recognised trainer. The trainer is now free to offer an ANLP NLP accredited training course to trainees.
In recent times training providers who wanted a central body to oversee standards and give potential NLP students the necessary guidance on how to select a reliable and professional training body formed the Professional Guild of NLP. The members of the Guild adhere to common principles and share a common training approach and code of ethics. The Guild over 20 member organisations in Australia, England, Scotland and Wales.
The purpose of the Association for Integrative Psychology (AIP), Inc. is to promote awareness and acceptance of complementary, alternative, and integrative approaches to human behaviour as viable ways to facilitate change. It was founded in 2005 by Matthew B. James, MA, PhD.
Integrative Psychology is a branch of study and practice that seeks to unite traditional medicine, psychology, and other alternative and complementary approaches. Integrative Psychology studies the affective, cognitive, behavioural, and psychological aspects of human behaviour, including social, developmental, and cultural influences. Although in clinical practice one or more of these areas may be addressed, the aim of Integrative Psychology is to facilitate wholeness. To do this, an integrative practitioner addresses the intrapsychic, interpersonal, and spiritual functioning of the individual within the context of their culture.
A variety of disciplines and approaches are represented within the field of Integrative Psychology including: medicine, osteopathic medicine, acupuncture, chiropractic medicine, naturopathic medicine, homeopathic medicine, dentistry, nursing, psychology, social work, sociology, theology/religion, transpersonal studies, anthropology, spirituality, quantum physics, linguistics, hypnosis, political science, education, and many others.
The Association for Integrative Psychology, Inc. was formed to encourage holistic approaches and integration in the fields which study human behavior and its change.
CPD stands for Continuing Professional Development. It refers to the process of tracking and documenting the skills, knowledge and experience that you gain both formally and informally as you work, beyond any initial training. It’s a record of what you experience, learn and then apply. The term is generally used to mean a physical folder or portfolio documenting your development as a professional. Some organisations use it to mean a training or development plan, which I would argue is not strictly accurate. This article is about CPD as a process of recording and reflecting on learning and development.
HPCSA was established to give control over the education, training and registration for the practice of health professions registered under the Health Professions Act.
In order to protect the public and guide the professions, the council ensures that practitioners uphold and maintain professional and ethical standards within the health professions and ensure the investigation of complaints concerning practitioners and to ensure that disciplinary action is taken against persons who fail to act accordingly.
As a statutory body, the HPCSA is guided by a formal regulatory framework and this includes our founding Act, the Health Professions Act 56 of 1974.
This Act governs all our activities, clearly defines the scope of each profession which it mandates to register with HPCSA, and sets clear processes to be followed by HPCSA in achieving our statutory mandate.
The CPD process helps you manage your own development on an ongoing basis. It’s function is to help you record, review and reflect on what you learn. It’s not a tick-box document recording the training you have completed. It’s broader than that.
These terms are often used interchangeably, though there is a distinction. As a rule of thumb, training is formal and linear. It’s to do with learning how to do something specific, relating to skill and competence. Training can be as simple as using a PC application and as complex as learning how to be a pilot. Development is often informal and has a wider application, giving you the tools to do a range of things and relating to capability and competency. It involves progression from basic know-how to more advanced, mature or complex understanding. Alternatively it can be about widening your range of transferable skills like leadership, managing projects or organising information.
To justify the name, a CPD needs to:
A CPD may be a requirement of membership of a professional body. It can help you to reflect, review and document your learning and to develop and update your professional knowledge and skills. It is also very useful to:
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