Excellence Guaranteed
Terry Elston:

May 2015 Cape Town Practitioner

May 2015 Cape Town Practitioner

This May was a huge eye opener for both the participants and myself as a trainer of NLP. I learned something that has changed the way I will market the courses into the future and also realized what a massive impact the courses make on people’s lives.

When you sign up to an NLP Practitioner course, you may think that you will be coming along and learning interesting, valuable and useful skill sets to take into your future.

All that is true. Yet four days into the course and two people decided they could not continue the course. One of them become so overwhelmed by the intensive nature of subconscious patterns emerging that it became obvious she had to take leave and deal with those in another setting. And another recognized that, from taking this course, that her real passion for making art had re-emerged and working with people was not where her life purpose would take her. She thanked the course for uprooting these deepest loves and also left.

two coaches on nlp trainingSo there we have the good, the bad and the ugly of taking an NLP course with NLP World. The good is that your real self will emerge, what you love, what you remember is your true essence in life. The bad is that some of these old beliefs that have been keeping you repressed will come to the surface to be reevaluated and let go of, which can be a bit painful. And the ugly is that some of you will not be able to handle those patterns and have to leave.

After the course, I was talking to my good friend Susanne Billander who I’ve worked with closely over the years and has a house in Costa Rica next to mine. We talked about this and agree (tongue in cheek) that I need to put a subheading to the NLP Practitioner title “……will you be tough enough to make it through?”

So watch this space as I will be changing my marketing material and making the distinction that the courses are tough and introspective, as well as being excellent learning and training courses.

Why introspective and intimate?

For a start, the environment has been set up on an NLP World training course to be clean, clear and free of distractions. You walk into the conference venue and feel something is different here. This is not the place for old habits to thrive!

And no one on my training team has any other agenda from getting you what you want on the course. Nobody is trying to upsell you or market to you whilst your experience is flowing and growing. It’s the perfect room (womb) for the next level of your evolution as a person, whilst training you in powerful techniques to use with others.

Then you, as a Practitioner are left with an immense force to go out with; a set of amazing techniques, coupled with an amazing, powerful person. Irresistible!

For more information about NLP see our sister site by clicking here

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