When asked to write a blog post on what I am currently doing in my business, I started by asking myself some pertinent questions.
The first was “who am I?” The resounding answer to that was “Kylie you know who you are, you are a soul having a human experience.”
And yes while this is true, I needed to dig even deeper. I have fallen into the flow of co-creating with the Universe, building spaces and communities within Mind Your Hero to empower people to discover their purpose and be in vibrational alignment to unleash their power. So I guess my other answer to that question is that “I am a soul having this human experience and part of my human experience is to facilitate and assist people to become the Hero of their Life.”
Now you may be wondering what it means to be the Hero of your life? Simply, it is the ability to create a life of your dreams knowing that you have all the resources available within you. It is about facing our inner villains and bringing those parts of ourselves into the light. For everything in the Universe there is a polar equal opposite and without the villain the Hero would cease to exist.
Combining the knowledge I have gained through NLP (with Terry Elston of NLP World SA), Hypnosis, Time Based Techniques, ancient wisdom including the 12 Universal Laws and the principles of quantum manifestation I have produced 4 different programs to suit different people at different levels and needs.
Mind Your Hero’s entry level program is a 21 day manifestation challenge called Unleashed Manifestor. Our students have seen phenomenal results including manifesting more money, relationships and career paths.

Mind Your Body is a program aimed at women who battle to lose weight. No, we don’t give you a diet or an exercise regime (although we have partnered up with a personal trainer and nutritionist who can facilitate this). This is all about looking at the mind body connection and how your limiting beliefs and trauma are not allowing you to make the necessary shifts for you to be the healthiest version of yourself. .

Unleash Your Hero is our signature coaching program. This is the program where we take a holistic approach to where you are in your life. This program is built on three essential pillars that Mind Your Hero believes are fundamental to master if you want to see true and everlasting change in your life. The pillars are clarity, alignment and connection. At the end of this program you will be able to step into your manifestation powers, have alignment in your life and be equipped with a toolbox for life that no matter what challenges come up, you will be able to change your perspective and navigate the challenge that has essentially been placed into your life for a reason.

Unleash Your Money is my 1:1 mentorship program that empowers online entrepreneurs to break through their belief systems to scale their business and make the money they desire to have. Entrepreneurship is 20% strategy and 80% mindset. When you look into the garden of your internal world and create new paradigms, your business starts to flourish. Most online entrepreneurs are so concerned about their strategy and sales funnels and forget to look at their relationship with money and the energy behind how they do business. This mentorship fixes that and gives you the strategies too.

The future of Mind Your Hero is really exciting. We have recently expanded our team to 7 members and in February we will be launching our mastermind program to facilitate massive growth for online entrepreneurs who want to scale their business past $100 000.
This is just the beginning.
For more information find us on:
Instagram: @mindyourhero
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mindyourhero
Facebook exclusive community:https://www.facebook.com/groups/herosthatmind