Excellence Guaranteed
Terry Elston:

Is NLP Training good value?

Is NLP Training good value?

The price of an NLP training should at least give you back the value in pure monetary form (Rands) or supplement your existing career to the extent where you get the appropriate value back in the accolades from achieving more in your workplace. Within your family until too, your neuro linguistic programming skills could save or help a relationship in trouble.

As a practitioner of NLP, I was mazed at the ends of things I could do. I had a little coaching coaching practise and training, yet when i had finished the NLP Practitioners course, my eyes had been opened to a world of possible transformation in many different avenues.

andros room nlp trainingSo after my NLP certification, I was working with such conditions as hay fever, chronic fatigue syndrome (ME), asthma, trauma memories and psoriasis! I had no idea what most of those labels meant, yet I had learnt about the mind/body connection and the structure of any ailment. The coaching training I had taken prior to that was pretty useless in the face of any of those conditions because it didn’t train me in how to work with the subconscious mind.

One of my first clients was a six year old girl Megan. She had asthma for three years previously. I spent one hour with her, finding our the root of the issue using very delicate language skills that I had learned. After that hour I gave her a metaphor (again stuff I had been trained in giving from my NLP Practitioners course) and she recovered completely from her asthma. Before that day Megan and her friend had Asthma every year, for the previous three years. Her Asthma never came back to this day as far as I know. Her friend still had the asthma, so we know it wasn’t just atmospheric conditions or something like that.

I will let you into a secret though. You may think “ah yes that’s you Terry, you were the best in the class” or something like that. Yet that wasn’t true. I think i left my NLP training with only two or three techniques that I really felt confident in using. The rest was just my enthusiasm for working with these transformational tools.

Is NLP Training good value?When I worked with a corporate guy, who had been having terrible issues with fear in his life, the value started to come through in money terms. Through his fantastic recovery, his friends, family, work colleagues and even his therapist became interested in what had happened. I probably made over £2000 (R40,000) from having that one client.
So if ever people tell me that my courses are expensive, i wonder how they could limit their potential so much? or even if they know what is possible with some nlp training.

The courses in Cape Town, South Africa are only R15,500, so I can’t see how anybody could not make that back with a little application on their side.

Here’s what a few people have said. You’ll notice that they remark upon how much change they feel in themselves, so we are saying the value is not just what you will receive from others, it’s what you’ll get as well!

“I am aware of endless possibilities……I know there has been lasting change….like my neurology has been rewired….I can feel it and see it!! I feel calmer, like there is more space, I am more present and aware on a very consistent basis,  I am actually having more fun when I engage in the relationships that I was previously struggling with, I really am more resourceful and come up solutions for challenging situations with much less emotion and more confidence.  The best part is I just keep discovering new stuff!”
Cathy Carstens – Cape Town

“Wow! What an absolutely fantastic and life changing experience.  Your NLP training far exceeded my expectations. The course deepened my understanding of coaching and how to work with clients in a most profound way. Not only did I learn practical tools for my business coaching practice, but I have also learned how to transform my own life.”
Alida Niehaus – Business Coach, Cape Town

Have a look here for more information on your NLP Training

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