Excellence Guaranteed
Terry Elston:

The new NLP MP3 store has just opened at NLPWorldsa.co.za recently.

Inside the MP3 shop, you will find a selection of Hypnosis MP3s, Business MP3s all suited to a variety of different tastes and genres. I personally designed and recorded these tracks from a demand for certain tracks to be made with extreme high quality.

The Hypnosis tracks have an incredible power to take you on a wild trip into your subconscious mind, coming back out with resolutions and resources that you gladly pick up during the amazingly relaxing journey.

Here are the titles with links:


This relaxed childbirth audio-music recording was developed after many women wanted something they could listen to time and time again, to embed and realise their relationship with having as pain-free and relaxed childbirth as possible. Recorded by Terry Elston, this recording is designed to motivate and bring feelings and pictures of a perfect childbirth, even in your sleep!


Confidence is an issue we all have to deal with, so Terry made a product that uses all his NLP skills through language, plus specially created music and sounds to aid you though this period.
You will be taken on a deeply relaxing and hypnotic set of inductions that will make you feel you are inside a Harry Potter movie, yet with clear instructions to your unconscious mind of how to experience the effects in your real life.


On this Better Sleep audio-music track, you’ll experience amazing binaural beats and brain entrainment tracks inlayed to heighten the effect for your body and mind and aid deep sleep. You will feel like you have entered into an internal movie set, with you as the actor and your deeper mind as the watcher and listener.


Motivation is the key to all amazing results. Take this trip with this motivation recording with especially designed unique sound waves to get you inspired. On these tracks, Terry Elston speaks and seduces you into a new state, a state of motivation that gets you up and running for the day!


This procrastination audio-music recording was developed after many people wanted something they could listen to time and time again, to embed and realise their relationship with getting on with their lives. Recorded by Terry Elston, this recording is designed to motivate and bring action to you, even in your sleep! If you like the words action and delivering, then you’re in the right place to listen to how to make it happen!


Recorded by Master Hypnotist and NLP specialist Terry Elston, this Stopping Smoking recording will allow you to let go of the habits you’ve been embracing and possibly trapped with at this time in your life.


Self-Esteem is an issue we all have to deal with, so Terry made a product that uses all his NLP skills through language, plus specially created music and sounds to aid you though this period. If you want a really relaxing bath of sounds and words to take you into more confidence about your self-esteem, this is for you. It can also be a beautiful present for a loved one.

Stressing Less

Bells of stress may have been ringing when you come to listen with these tracks. Terry takes you out of that chaos into relaxation and resolution. If you want a really relaxing bath of sounds and words to take you into more confidence and less stress, this is for you.


This It’s Time For Attracting Wealth & Abundance With Terry Elston audio-music recording was developed after many people wanted something they could listen to time and time again, to embed and realise their relationship with abundance and wealth.


Weight loss is an issue that many people have to deal with, so Terry made a product that uses all his NLP skills through language, plus specially created music and sounds to aid you though this period.

If you just want to browse all through the Hypnosis Mp3 products and read more about them all, just click on this link: Hypnosis Mp3 product shop.

On the business MP3s, I have made suitable recordings to help you through some of the main titles that corporations tell us are needed. I will make another post outlining the business Mp3s next time.

In the meantime, you can follow this link to The Business MP3 Shop.

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