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Easier said than done… by Wesley Kew, an article about the things we put off – Procrastination

Think like and man of action, act like a man of thought.
~Henri Berson~

“I know what I want to do, but I just can’t seem to do it”. As I heard my friend utter these words I snapped around and quickly reminded him that with that attitude he is sure to be right. As Henry Ford said,

If you think you can or you think you can’t, either way, you are right

With great haste, he replied, “I know what to do but it is easier said than done”. I paused, smiled and self-reflected. I thought about how often I knew what to do, yet could not rouse myself to do it. Mentally I knew what to do, physically, however, I lacked the spark to initiate the movement required. As we continued the discussion it was accepted that we know how to:

” How to lose weight
” Eat healthily
” Keep fit
” Maintain happy relationships
” Forgive others
” Stop smoking
” Dream big

We have the knowledge yet lacked the taking action part. It’s here that I began to think about how achieving our desired goals was simple to do, yet not that easy. Leading me to ask, when did the easiest thing/option become the default option/action? The fact is that all too often doing the hardest thing and the right thing are the same thing.

easier said than doneWhen looking closer at the lives and decisions made by truly great men and women throughout history – it becomes clear that they become greats by making tough and even potentially life threating decisions and took drastic action. The fact of the matter is that if we desire to raise our standards, we need to become comfortable being uncomfortable. It is simple, yet it is easier said than done, isn’t it?

If you agree with this, as I’m sure you do, ask yourself when you adopted this life sentence? If you are honest with yourself, you will find that it is not easier said than done, it is more accurately that you lack the discipline/drive/vision to get things done, what we commonly call procrastination.

Begin to focus on what is stopping you from getting things done and you will soon discover what is distracting you from achieving what it is that you desire.

What is your payoff for getting caught up in all the reasons why you can’t do something? Truth be told there will always be a reason, why not to do something. It is simply that simple.

1. Find what it is that you desire to achieve
2. Take the fist step towards that goal no matter how small a step it is. As Plato reminds us:

Never criticize anyone who is moving forward, no matter how slowly they are

3. Keep believing and holding the vision of success
4. Evaluate your feedback and be flexible in your behaviours

Keep this in mind next time you hear or say that something is ‘easier said than done’. If your vision is clear enough you will not need motivation to get going because you will be pulled along as you enjoy the journey. It is that simple, expel the desire for an easy journey because, the harder the battle the sweeter the victory.

Keep your eyes firmly focused on what you want to achieve. Hold your vision bold, bright and brilliantly in sight and soon all obstacles are welcomed as they only serve to prove/solidify your determination and hunger for success.

Procrastination – easier said than done written by Wesley Kew

Contact Wesley Kew at [email protected]

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