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Terry Elston:

My NLP Master Practitioner Course Journey


My NLP Master Practitioner Course Journey

When I first signed up to the NLP Master Practitioner Course I had very little idea of what may be to come. My NLP Practitioner journey had started many years ago. My parents had a little knowledge of NLP, that they had picked up from books over the years, and they had used various aspects of it in their parenting. So I already understood how powerful NLP could be, even at this very basic level.

Fast forward 10 years and I found myself working as a personal trainer, frustrated with people who would say they wanted to make a change in their lives, then continue to self-sabotage their results.

I knew that NLP would be the answer, so I started to research the NLP courses available to me. I initially planned to do an online course, but the more research I did the more I realised that the face to face course would give me so much more than just the knowledge, but the experience and confidence in it too.

When I found NLP World I was impressed with their experience and the depth of knowledge their site conveyed. I took the leap and booked my place. I was a little apprehensive, because even though they were very competitively priced, at that time the course fee was a lot of money to me. But I was certain it would be worth it, so I took the leap and paid my deposit.

Before the practitioner course I was very nervous. I wasn’t sure what to expect or if I’d be able to do it!

What changed?

But that changed as soon as I arrived on the first day. Terry and his team were there ready to welcome me. They made me feel comfortable and introduced me to some of the other people on the course. There were about 20 of us, all from different backgrounds and even different countries too!

black and coloured nlp practitionersWhat happened over the next few days literally changed my life. Terry is an excellent teacher, explaining and demonstrating everything in a way I could understand, and gently coaching me when I needed a little extra help to really “get” a technique. The course is very practical and hands on, so throughout the week I was able to practice my skills, but to also be the client too. When I had signed up to the course I had understood that it would be a practical course, but I hadn’t really put two and two together and realised this meant I would be working on myself too!

Even after the course, NLP World took care of me and made sure what was needed was supplied.

By the third day I knew that I’d be signing up to the NLP Master Practitioner Course. Throughout the course Terry had various NLP Practitioners and Master Practitioners come along to assist. They were all very helpful and clearly had a great knowledge of NLP, but I noticed that some were quite obviously more skilled than others. They just seemed to be able to find the root of the “problem” immediately and blow it out of the water with little effort. I wanted to be like them.

What is a Master Practitioner of NLP?

On further investigation I realised that these were the NLP Master Practitioners, so I knew then that the NLP Master Practitioner Course was for me.

I booked my place on the NLP Master Practitioner Course before the end of the week was up. It was currently July and the next course was not until March, so I had a little time to practice my practitioner skills and gain a little confidence in the meantime.

nlp practitionersOver the next few months I worked with my personal training clients and started to branch out working with some other issues too including anxiety, self-worth and phobias. The results were great, but I was really looking forward to the NLP Master Practitioner Course, so I could progress and develop my skills even further and gain that edge that I’d seen in the others.

The last few months before the Master Practitioner Course were a little tough for me. Some unfortunate circumstances had occurred that left me tight on cash and emotionally overwhelmed. I started to question whether the NLP Master Practitioner Course was really what I should be doing right now. I had lost my way with my business and some personal challenges had been taking all my focus and energy. But I had committed to going so I paid my balance, packed my bag and drove to Brighton.

As soon as I arrived I remembered why I was there. Within the first day my confidence was renewed, my energy lifted and I felt more focused and competent than I had in the last few months. Throughout the course I was inspired, challenged, supported and encouraged to get out of my own comfort zone, think in a way I’d never thought before and trust in my own abilities.


lucinda Dawes NLP PractitionerBy the end of the week I fully understood why I had been able to see that difference between the practitioners and the master practitioners. The level of knowledge and understanding I gained from the NLP Master Practitioner Course has been absolutely invaluable. Not only do I now have more skills and techniques to use with my clients, but I have a much deeper understanding of how it all works, which allows me to work on a deeper level with my clients and help them to make big shifts and positive changes quickly.

NLP Master Practitioner Cape TownSince completing my NLP Master Practitioner Course my business has changed. I have moved away from personal training and now work as a NLP Master Practitioner & Hypnotherapist on a wide range of issues, from anxiety, smoking and teeth grinding to nail biting and procrastination. Initially I was a little nervous, but having worked with so many people throughout the NLP Master Practitioner Course I already knew I had the skills and knowledge I needed to succeed with my clients.

But that’s not all that’s changed. I’m different too. The work I completed on myself in the NLP Master Practitioner Course has allowed me to eliminate some of my limiting beliefs that were holding me back. I’m more confident, focused and calmer. I no longer have a fear of public speaking and my phobia of being in a crowd has disappeared. I’m different with my children. My home is more peaceful and my life is more complete.

Lucinda Dawes [email protected]

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