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What is Neuro Linguistic Programming?

What is Neuro Linguistic Programming?

What is Neuro Linguistic Programming? The whole notion of Neuro Linguistic Programming, often called NLP, is about self-development and rapid transformation. The originators were working as psychologists, trainers and corporate advisers when they started working out how the functioning of the brain effects the deepest patterns internally.

picture of self control thermostatMemories, attitudes and values all seemed to be stored inside our subconscious minds. They are literally held inside a control panel with locked or no access normally. What our forefathers started to do was to find keys to these control panels and quickly open up the places where change could take place. As a result, tremendously difficult situations like phobias could be located and deleted within 30 minutes or less where it may have taken months with traditional methods.

Trauma and unwanted memories were now accessed using Time Based Techniques, allowing clients to travel backwards and forwards in time to find where the subconscious mind had stored the issues, then using specific NLP techniques, remove or reframe the memories to allow negative emotions to pass through to complete the events as naturally as possible.

The changes are then ratified so that any transformation has integrity at its roots. The observation of a Neuro Linguistic Programming Practitioner is paramount as watching the body language, the eye patterns plus the tone of voice gives them access to how a client puts their world together.

Can you use Neuro Linguistic Programming for Corporate Use?

Beliefs of Great Communicators
Eva Minkov – General manager at Mundipharma, with one of the ‘Presuppositions of NLP’
At NLP World, we have successfully been using NLP inside companies since 1999. From my experience, more corporations are now using the pure form of NLP or a derivative than at any other time. One of the reasons for this is because clients or users at the sharp end of the ‘selling point’ are getting tired of being treated like disposable commodities. People want to be treated like intelligent human beings (even if they sometimes do not reciprocate). The ability to use sensory awareness, rapport and advanced language skills has made NLP very popular for most corporates – mostly because the organisation can start to directly contact their clients on an intimate and very human way. See here for more on NLP Training for organisations. Or open this post for what Neuro Linguistic Programming can do for your company?


What are the beliefs of Neuro Linguistic Programming Practitioners?

There are a few presuppositions (convenient beliefs) that all NLP Practitioners should have:

The presuppositions of NLP are neither rules nor regulations, and we do not even claim them to be true! They are simply very useful and powerful beliefs to have. Remember, NLP does not concern itself with whether something is true or not, but rather focuses on attaining a desired outcome. Coming from one or more of these presuppositions when working with clients, or just when communicating in general empowers the practitioner and client in ways you cannot imagine.

The Presuppositions of NLP:

  1. Respect for the other person’s model of the world.
  2. Behavior and change are to be evaluated in terms of context, and ecology.
  3. Resistance in a client is a sign of a lack of rapport.
  4. People are not their behaviours. (Accept the person, change the behaviour.)
  5. Everyone is doing the best they can with the resources they have available.
    Behaviour is geared for adaptation, and present behavior is the best choice available. Every behaviour is motivated by a positive intent.
  6. Calibrate on Behaviour: The most important information about a person is that person’s behaviour.
  7. The map is not the territory. (The words we use are NOT the event or the item they represent.)
  8. You are in charge of your mind, and therefore your results
  9. People have all the resources they need to succeed and to achieve their desired outcomes. (There are no unresourceful people, only unresourceful states.)
  10. There is ONLY feedback! (There is no failure, only feedback.)
  11. The meaning of communication is the response you get.
  12. The Law of Requisite Variety: (The system/person with the most flexibility of behavior will control the system.)
  13. All procedures should be designed to increase choice. The more choices you have, the freer you are and the more influence you have.

If you want to understand the thinking behind these NLP Presuppositions, please click here

The techniques and thinking of Neuro Linguistic Programming has become mainstream. Our company has trained NLP to the UK Government, Police forces, many blue chip companies and schools worldwide. You can see references in movies and in curriculums for learning now daily.

So you may have more information now as to the basis of thinking about Neuro Linguistic Programming and what is possible from these few words written here. I have left a contact form underneath if you have more questions or want to get involved.

For more information on the curriculum of Neuro Linguistic Programming please click here.

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What is Neuro Linguistic Programming?

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